Monday, September 3, 2007

So who matter's anyway??

According to the cosmopolitan beliefs, everyone matters, at least everyone appears to matter. The catch is that not everyone needs to agree with everyone else. For instance, I am a non-practicing Catholic, there are some things about my religion that I just don't agree with, but I am not going to judge people who are strong following Catholics, just like I do not criticize Jews for practicing their religion.

I believe that every person on earth has a write to be here and that every person needs to feel accepted and loved by society. However, it is a reality that in some religions and some beliefs there are certain people who have more of a "purpose" in society. Even in corporate America there are people who have more power or more significance than others. For instance, lets look at corporate America has a hierarchy, starting from the top and working its way down. You have the "top dogs," such as the chief executive officer, president and/or vice president, etc; then you have the top management, such as general manager, team director, marketing director, etc; then you have the middle management floor manager, supervisor, etc; then the lower level employees, such as the cashier or to-go drivers. All of these people matter in making the business run smoothly, but how many of these people consider where their product or merchandise is coming from... or do they care?

I think it is unfortunate that their are sweat shops in the countries who create the product for American society. Young children sewing, hammering, slaving away for 12 or more hours a day getting no breaks and are paid $.25 a hour is something that expresses my statement earlier that in the eyes of some people these young children just don't matter. I mean without them there would be no product or merchandise to be sold, but the fact that these young children work the hours they do and are paid practically nothing proves that in some peoples eyes they simply do not have as much "status" in society as others. I wonder if it will ever change...

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